OK, I genuinely felt bad there for a moment, however then I thought of the 100,000's if not millions that died here during or as a consequence of the famine (the ORIGINAL COMMENT that provoked the Nam remark) - were these people military personnel? Did they have guns? Were they "Commies"? Did they drop bombs? Nope. Their crime was being poor. They got to starve to death, disease, malnutrition - the ones that fled to America, a lot of them died on the "coffin ships" before they ever got there, the others built your railways and your buildings - your infrastructure.

You asked me to keep my remarks decent - but you go into graphic detail about your experiences in Vietnam?! Go figure that one out.

Your bestfriend was shot in the leg and you ask me if I've ever had a bullet in me? Well, my answer is no - same as your answer so whats your point? I know people who have been shot, and taken a bullet for a more just cause than what you were fighting. Your lovely detailed accounts of what you've seen - yeah I've seen a lot of that stuff, I had the dubious fortune to work in a hospital for three years.

One last thing, you must have been one great pilot to fly bombing missions and rescure missions in helicopters and then to fly an aeroplane back to the states. You sure you weren't an engineer or something and just threw a few stories in together?

Ever heard of therapy? I missed a penalty in training last night (believe it or not), but hey, these things happen, let it go....ITS OVER MAN!!

Sine le meas (yours with respect)


PS - to this guys son, I'll bet your bedtime stories have always been fun.

Good luck in the upcoming season if you play by the way!