"stuck up bad word used here by Ludacrhis", makes you look ignorant. and nor have i ever talked crap about flora, all i said was that we beat yall twice, which we did. and yeah bc beat us, they beat us in bad word used here by Ludacrhis pk's, haha the worst part of soccer. and liek that guy said earlier they are the number 1 team in the country for states that play soccer in the spring, not too many states play soccer in teh spring. DONT GET ME WRONG, THEY ARE GREAT, but its a big difference. and if you dont think we are good, or a decent team, you are ignorant. but all this talking can sease, we will see. playoffs starts next week, and because im talkin up my team doesnt mean we are stuck up, do you really think ima say my team is garbage, espeically when we went undefeated in region. and idc you can say socastee will kill us, BUT WE BEAT THEM ALREADY!! soo prove to me where thye will kill us, please! and yeah we lsot 13 seniors last year, but we still dominated in region three, with one senior this year. all our team knows is scrapping, and playing hard, we do that everygame. and please look at goals scored against us, not too many have. "if you want to talk bad about flora, go head, it will only make you look ignorant" haa something kinda like what you was saying abuot dreher, the parents and the coaches. haha SOUNDS LIEK AND IGNORANT PERSON TO ME!!

Last edited by Kevin Heise; 04/27/07 11:15 AM.