and are you talkin about the same riverside team taht tied bc, who beat us in pks', if you are goin by taht, haha seems liek a pretty even match to me. if we woulda stopped that game when it was orignally suppose to be over, we woulda tied bc, soo what are you getting at, where in would you get the idea that they would beat us 3 4-0, and o yeah didnt bc beat yall in pk's also, or overtime or something liek taht,a nd we beat yall twice, 1-0 and 2-0, soo seems liek anything can happen on any given day. haha soo still answer the question, where in would you get teh idea that they would be us 3 to 4-0??? sounds like you jsut pulled that out of your bad word used by Ludacrhis again . you remind me of that espn commercial where the guys were talkin out of their ass, thats what you are reminding me of right now. ur jsut talkin out of your . bad word used by Ludacrhis again

Last edited by Kevin Heise; 04/27/07 11:17 AM.