

Billy Belair is at Furman playing Golf,

Bobby Belair (Soc) - Very quick and talented. Scores frequently attacking through the midfield.

I know, I mixed the names.... It's not hard though because both Bobby and Billy are great athletes and great young men. I actually have Billy's first goals on video... Dang, I'm getting old....lol

But, we have detracted from the original posters request;


Lets hear some talk about... Quality players that get the job done day in and day out... Because all we hear about is flashy forwards like Enzo Sebastian Terrence Preston Kropp ect. So let me hear who you think is the MOST underrated player in South Carolina

So, I will begin another thread that will include some of the things that I have learned over the past few years about how you can market your student/athlete.

And to pay homage to those mentioned in this thread;

Byron Quinatoa
Thomas Valikonis
Zach Houghton
Tanner Osborne
Daniel Lynch
chris Dixon
Michael Gambrell
Alston Swinnie
Scott Windell
Tyler Staub
Matt Mitchell
Michael Rice
Graham Howard
Daniel L.
Tyler Williams
Bobby Belair