
Nice to see you made it back safely from York County. Sorry that your experience at NW wasn't as much fun as your night at FM. I do admire your passion though, you and your leather-lunged classmates certainly added to the atmosphere.


"The Goal". Sounds like you and some of the Lex supporters think it may have been a bit controversial. Unfortunately, outside of the Lexington goalkeeper, I probably had the worst view in the stadium. It was such a scrum that I don't recall the PA announcer even crediting the individual that knocked it in.

All I know is what I got second-hand, and I'm paraphrasing:

FM Coach (to center ref): Hey what was that? At least talk to the linesman. (Ref consults briefly with AR and then heads to center circle).

FM Coach (to AR): What's going on? What did he say?

AR: I told him your keeper had possession of the ball.

FM Coach: Great!

Center Ref: (Blows whistle).

Lexington 1, Fort Mill 0.

As I said, very hard-fought match...not a pretty match. Some brilliant moments by some of the best players on the field. Shame the field is so narrow, more room would have allowed more creative play. Congrats to the Lady Wildcats.

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.