NMB traveled to Wilson tonight for a 7 PM kick-off, at 6 PM just minutes from the field there was a very strong rain and hail storm, both teams met at the field and worked to get ALL of the standing water off for an 8 PM kick off, at 7:30 the South Florence AD gave us permission to use their field. Both teams traveled to SF and Wilson set up one of the goals including net on the field and we kicked-off at around 8:30, Wilson outhustled NMB in the first half for a 0-0 halftime score. NMB finally got a goal 12 minutes into the second half and were able to come away with a tough 4-0 victory. Wilson is a very well coached, first class team, with skill in every position. They never quite and if not for a few lucky NMB bounces, Wilson could have easily come away with a victory. Saturday night NMB @ Socastee for our third try to knock-off this very fast, Great coached team.