Sensational "coaching tactics" are better described as "must-see theatrics". Let me there is too much, let me sum up...

Halftime 3-0 Pinewood. Pinasco goes straight to midfield and is turned around immediately by a no-nonsense center ref. Back at the bench, Pinasco melts down kicking soccer balls in every direction (one carried 50+ to the trees) then stomps off to the edge of the woods behind the bench. There he is met by a Hammond parent (a mother, dang she got there quick) that has a melt down on Pinasco then stomps off stopping by the goal on their end. Pinasco sends team to corner and plops down on bench with head hanging. Meltdown Mom apparently thinks of something else to say and starts back towards bench when she is headed off be her son (who had a good game BTW). Son physically turns Meltdown Mom around and sends her back to the goal. Team gathers in corner and Meltdown Mom pulls classic misdirection play, avoids everyone, and gets back in Pinasco's face on the bench. Referee spots ball to start second half and Meltdown Mom is still shaking finger in Pinasco's face. Linesman asks Hammond section to get someone over there to get her away from bench so game can resume. Another kid's dad (I assume) escorts her to fan side of field where she briefly continues to argue with that dad and two others before venturing into the stands to argue with more dads. Pinewood wins 7-0.