The Hammond parent involved has been around soccer for a number of years and shoud fully understand that there is absolutely no justification for a parent to EVER address a coach, especially approach the sidelines, during any game. There was simply no excuse for her actions and the other Hammond parents were disgusted by her conduct. While Pinewood was obviously the better team, she caused a distraction that took a way from the coaching as well as the players in the second half. There simply is no justification in the distraction she created. This is the first time I have ever witnessed such behavior by a parent. Not to mention how embarrassing it had to be for her son. The coach was upset over some missed fundamentals by the Hammond players and as many coaches, was frustrated by those actions. Either way, Hammond can be proud of a successful season and the progress their program has made and will continue to make. Her actions were quite a damper on an otherwise successful season. The ref should have probably asked her to leave but that action may have resulted in an additional card to Adrian which would have resulted in a red card. He obviously was not going to start the second half until the parent was removed and she was no leaving on her own accord.