
He was carded for using the one word that is supposed to be an automatic send off. Hats off to the coach for showing his integrity. Also, Spartan, if you would like to see Wando's first goal against Irmo last year, it is at http://www.wandohigh.com/athletics/bsoccer/getstarted.wmv

You'll see it is a good goal


Your video does not show the take down. The first encounter after the Irmo defender tries to pass the ball back to his keeper was definitely NOT a take down (Simply two players going for the ball).

What happened after your camera panned away to follow the ball was a clear take down from behind by the same Wando player that made the first contact with the ball. The take down was BEFORE the goal was scored. Look at where the keeper is at the end of the video and then notice the Wando player running towards the camera after taking the keeper out. The keeper would not have made it back to the ball, but the dirty foul happened before the goal. The ref should have stopped play, issued a red card to the Wando player for a very dangerous take down from behind and given Irmo the ball at the spot of the foul

I agree with you that the ref'ing was terrible...ie. When the Wando player tried to reach back and pull a Irmo defender to the ground while fighting for a ball in the box, then he gets awarded a penalty kick that ties the game