You know I think its sad that the game will always have this memory as will all the seniors who played in it. Wando fans are saying the '12th' person was on for 2min the lex fans saying 10 or 12. From my vantage point the lexington bench did try to get both the RA and the center refs attention for along while. It was until the lex crowd noticed the 12 did the Wando coach then try get the RA attention. Even then the RA hesitated to stop the game or even to count. I also think while Lex might not have scored it would have been good measure to add some time on the clock Regardless something has to be done by the SCHSL to improve officiating! It is getting absolutely awful!! I said this earlier IMO the game got out of hand in the first half. A lot of talking, pushing, etc from both teams. Lets quit the "that team did this but yalls team did this" crap. Both teams left it all on the field and should be appauled for this. Lexington needs to hold their heads high for an awesome game and season!

To play the game is good, to win the game is great, to LOVE the game is the greatest!