
4. The players not shaking hands immediately at the end of the game is absolutely inexcusable. I don't care how volatile the atmosphere was....too bad, you shake. This would have been a great opportunity to show good sportsmanship and I think, in time, the girls from both sides will regret that they didn't have the chance to congratulate their opponents.

My two cents.....better luck next year to both teams.

I wasn't at the Lexington game either, but I'm sure it was very hard for the Lexington players to handle the loss and the controversy. My heart goes out to them and with all the emotion on the field, and in the stands, I'm sure the lex players were just emotionally spent, so I don't think we should judge them to harshly for not shaking hands. The coaches for lex should have encouranged them and set an example.

An aside on this subject - I would like to congratulate the Woodruff and BE players for their sportsmanship. After their game, and the ensuing celebration by BE and the understandable disappointment from the Woodruff girls, the two teams drifted to the middle to shake hands. Two Woodruff players were still sitting on the field, visibly upset, and after the BE girls shook hands with the Woodruff players who lined up, they went to the girls still sitting on the field and spoke to them and patted them on the back. In no way do I feel the Woodruff girls were being disrespectful - they were caught up in the moment. I was very proud of the BE girls for realizing that they were not being disrespectful and for going to them to congratulate them on making it to the State game.

Best wishes to the Lex and Wando seniors.