
The 8:00 pm deadline has passed for Bridge FA to register a U16 and U18 US Soccer Academy roster. Have any obituary notices beens posted yet? Please post your information.

Words taken form the Bridge, FA website,"Bridge FA is proud to announce that we have been selected to join US Soccer’s Development Academy. BFA is the only club in South Carolina and 64 clubs across the US chosen to take part in the inaugural year of US Soccer’s revolutionary program.
The Development Academy concept is a comprehensive program designed to improve the development of elite players by providing improved competition, training for players, coaches, and referees as well as scouting by the US National Team and coaches. U15/U16 and U17/18 boys’ teams will be competing in regional conference play, showcase weekends and travel partner weekends.
This is indeed a great honor for our club. It is also a testament to the hard work and dedication put forth by our players and coaches over the past couple of years. We have before us an opportunity to take our players to the highest level of play in the country on a consistent basis.
Let's give our players all the support they will need on this journey.

On the left menu you will find more information about the USSDA."