Let me know what your thoughts are on this issue. I posted this on the coaches board also. I want to know what the players think and how you handle it with your team
Team A is dribbling down field they make passes to each other and a player from team A falls down injured. Team B, who was on defense, seeing the player down kicks the ball out of bounds so the injured player can be tended to. The result is team A's throw-in.
I know there is no rule about this, but so far the teams I have played have always taken the throw-in and thrown it to the other team. In my opinion, a thank you for letting us tend to our injured player. I was under the impression this was an "unwritten rule" that most teams follow and abide by.
Are the teams I am coaching against, and my team, too nice in doing this? The reason I ask is we played a game last night in which this happened. The opposing team had a player go down, we kicked it out so the injured player could be tended to. They throw it in to themselves and make a break on goal, luckily with no goal scored. My team is probably not the best team in the state. So far this year I have been lucky to make a team, we are not a soccer school. My kids play soccer from the end of January til whenever the season ends. As their coach I am trying to teach them the game as well as, in my opinion, sportsmanship. Do I need to go back to my team and tell them not to worry about an injured player, to play and when the time comes the injured will be tended to?
What are the circumstances that you and your teams go by in this case?