Wow this is great for S.C.
Boys teams have stepped it up this year!
u18- looks like Lexington is the team to beat. Cates, lynch, Jugal, and Calison is a tough team to beat with a Great coach on hand also. Looks like CUFC still have a good chance on going on and beating them later in State cup.. CUFC has so much talent they need to put it on paper now.
u17- CESA#3 is Doing very well with Sebastian leading the whole league in Prmeier with points. He is a tough player to stop with Quick feet and great finishing. Then, DSC#5 always is a hard team to play against with Enzo. Enzo has strength speed and great shot always keep player on the field. Along with new forward ?dont know his name? doing very well also with good back up from the central mid. Can't wait to see how the R3PL will end up in this age group.
U16-Great action in this age group. CUFC tied for #1 doing very well with impressive attacking formation and has keep players. Demare on the outside forward giving speed, quick moves, crosses and hard shots into the game is helping the team a lot. #4 Kyle? off CUFC is another key player for them this year who plays Central forward and has very good strength and a good finisher. The team is very Dynamic and exciting to watch with a sound defense. It is going to be a great game Saturday? i believe when they wrap up there R3PL season against #2 CESA.
U15- dont know much about this age other than CESA is Doing GREAT!! YES!