I do not disagree that the groups make for a good field add to that the complex, and you have the best pre-season tourney in SC...
Times on the other hand, not arguing about the time itself just the short break. By adding one field you can have aal teams in one group play at the same time
i.e. 9 Am 4 fields all teams in Group A and B play
10:30 2 fields all teams in group C play
2:30PM 4 fields all teams in group a and B play
4PM 2 fields all teams in group C play

referees... per the tournament you would need 3 crews (4 games) at a given time. per the one above you would need 4 crews and evry crew gets 3 games (unless my math is wrong). Fresher refs may be a benefit...of course if you cannot get a 4 crews it does not matter

I am not sure what coaches will view what games. If we are talking college coaches then you still have games at the same time from different groups so no benefit there, if you are talking HS coaches scouting the other teams in the group....maybe... it is a preseason tournament however...

Nevertheless this would be a great weekend of soccer.