I would just like to say a few things about this tournament. There are some great teams here. However, the tournament was terribly unfair to some teams. Take for instance Lower Lexington u15. They are a classic level team who was put in the elite bracket. The coach tried to get it changed, but to no avail. All this despite the team that was in first place in their division (CUFC) was playing in the lower bracket and yes we did request to be in the classic division. Therefore the coach just said, "no problem we will just have to play." They tied cesa challenge 0-0 the first game. Then they had to play the bridge FA the second game who had yet to play a game that day-so they were fresh. How can this be! They got put in the elite bracket and then had to play an elite team (who has not lost a game this year) while they were dead tired. Each pool had four in each. Well anyway they lost a tough game 0-2. Also, hilton head in our bracket did not have to play the first game. Other brackets were designed the exact same way. Teams from charleston Area were all given the advantage while the out of towners (Congaree Rapid, Lower lexington, and others) were given no curtious or fair play. (I think it was because they wanted to show the muscle of the
Charleston teams). The teams spend lots of money to come and then to be shafted that way is a travesty(and we are not alone). Mt. Pleasant deserves to be badmouthed! Jeremy and the tournament director, you all have some things to learn about class! In fact, Jeremy, I saw a coach come up to you and tell you about your club team's trash that left a pile on your field and you did nothing except leave it there! That my friend is pitiful!

Last edited by Kevin Heise; 10/21/07 02:48 PM.