
I stand corrected, regardless of the reason, it seems Mt. Pleasant was between a rock and a hard place and had no choice but to reschedule the times for Saturday. As for Sunday, with the injury that delayed the games on Saturday night and the teams not coming off the pitch until close to 11pm, and scheduled to play again at 8am, rescheduling the match was in the best thing to do.

You have got to be kidding! What planet are you from? In who's best interest? So they would be sleep deprived. No different than LL and CESA playing a game and playing the next one against a fresh team. Let's get one thing strait, it was all about money. They could have let HH pull out and call their bluff, which it was. HH did the same thing to LL during the season, whining about players that were not going to be there. That is a kind of a slap in the face to rest of the team in my opinion-they should have more respect for the rest of the team. I do not care who is missing from the team, we will play and I don't care if I had to play down-done it! Furthermore, Mt. Pleasant could have easily bumped up USA Spirit or CUFC in their place who had already beaten LL this year. Instead they screwed up all the times for most everyone because of a few-there's logic for ya!