Wow! you all are like posse getting ready to linch me. Just kidding, I like the responses by all. Everyone likes to be heard, including me. Thanks for conversation ya'll. Try to look at the numbers a little better. For instance, the 13-0 loss, the LL team had switched the offense to defense and vice-versa by the end of the first half (our slowest defender scored).
In the second half, we did possession - 20 pass limit (did it twice) and then the team snuck players off the field until play was equalized. We finished the game with 7 - 8 players total. Sometimes competition is not so competitive. We tried to level it.

Mr. lowcountrydad,
I am independantly wealthy and live in a plexi-glass house that is shatter proof. So hurl away. By the way, Carolina Cup and Charlotte are very well run! Furthermore, if the coach had known they were going to have a pretty good team, they would have easily moved up to challenge (after finishing below middle last year in the same league). Hind sight is 20-20 you know.