How much emphasis do you see placed on finishing at a club or high school practice?

Coaches seem to concentrate more on passing and possession rather than 1 v 1 dribbling and shooting. Does anybody have their players dribble through cones any more? I coached a player in high school who played about four or five years in MLS and one preseason, he was loaned to AC Milan. He spent about three weeks there training with the club and he said EVERY DAY, for a 15-minute warm up, they dribbled through cones.

How often do you see a coach take his attacking players, maybe just three forwards and a couple of attacking midfielders, and send them to the other side of the field to work on shooting and finishing drills? Often our club coaches (and sometimes our high school coaches) work alone. There's no assistant out there to help work with the girls.

If you're playing forward for your team, and you are responsible for scoring goals.....don't you think you should be working on these exact skills.....for at least 30 minutes (preferably 45) every practice? At some practices, a forward may never even take a shot if "finishing" is not what is being taught that particular day.

A lot of practices end with small-sided games but there is no guarantee there that the forwards are going to have the opportunity to take many shots.

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.