
..My advice...tryout EVERYWHERE..and take your best option

CHT, good advice, but exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

Mainly, because of the pressure and guilt each club puts on the player to be at their tryout and not attend other tryouts.

We get past the mind games, then there is the time issue...BFA, MPSC, CUSC, SSC,and Daniel Island SA. Five clubs in one week???? Crazy.

Then there is the $ issue...$25 - $35 a pop at each club.

Add in the mix of tryouts outside the area, CESA, CUFC, etc because once again "who knows" if the option you choose will actually field a team. Last year, quite a few players were burned on not having a team they commited to.

Maybe January discussion on May issues is a little early. This is discussion and opinions, but any narrowing down of the options before tryouts would be helpful.