
You would be correct with the assumption that I have Enzo as #1 and Cates as #1A. You all know that it is very subjective to talk about payers that play two different positions. It all depends on what they are able to contribute to the team. Anybody in their right mind would want to have either one of these excellent players on their team. It's just splitting hairs to figure out which one is better. But when it comes down to it, it is the player that has the biggest impact on the teams that they play on.

As for me moving back after I am done with school, I wish. My wife is not too keen on moving 900 miles away from her family. She is a teacher,a nd is actually working on her masters at the moment. As everyone that is married knows, the wife usually gets her way when it comes to where they want to live. I would prefer to be in a warmer climate, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

If you are going to argue a point, at least get factual information to back up your side.....