
I agree that it was an entertaining game. Irmo started very aggressively but seemed to lose some intensity after the first fifteen minutes or so. In fairness, they could hardly have maintained the pace with which they started. In all, I think it's fair to say that SV was clearly the better team on the night.

Antoine scored in the first half, not the second.

I thought the officiating was horrible - not one-sided - just uniformly bad.

I stand corrected...Antoine's goal did come near the end of the first half...

However, I did not say the game was entertaining ....I said those who liked excitement would have enjoyed this game.

I also agree the ref made a couple of wrong calls, but they were not game changing as were the calls in the first Irmo-SV game. He called a tight match as far as fouls, as he should in high school matches (allowed the shoulder shoves but called pushes, illegal take-downs and elbows). A couple of fouls should have been yellow cards, but at least he did call the fouls (hard take-down of Irmo's keeper and tackle from behind by a SV mid-fielder)

If you want to talk about poor officiating, go back to the game last week at SV when that team of refs allowed elbows, pushing, holding, three take-downs in the box and my favorite..allowing the SV keeper to pick the ball up with his hands after a SV player passed the ball back with his foot???

Finally, it's more than fair to say that SV was the better team Friday night. They played like a different team from the first game. They played a mostly clean game, executed their passes and took advantages of given opportunities. A very smart game on their part.

I also have to give the officiating team credit too...(If you start off calling a game tightly, the players take notice and you don't have to work as hard the rest of the game). Some fans get upset when the refs call a foul on their team and shout "Just let'um play". Call me old fashion but, I like to see a closely called basketball game too. A player on offense deserves an equal chance to show his talents just as much as his defender.

But Football....Knock his block off

Not literally of course