Just wanted to jump in before we line up all the AD's and throw rotten fruit at them. Sometimes (as in our case) it is NOT the AD who has ultimate control over the fields. Heck he recently let me make the call as to field conditions and whether or not we should play a boys/girls double header against Spring Valley after a night of rain. We walked out on the field together the afternoon before, assessed things, and let me make the final call the next day. Yes, our AD does have a lot of input, but ultimately it is up one guy at the D.O. who is in charge of ALL fields in the district.

As for base/softball, well, I know that at least two of our schools are allowed to use donated outside services, pay for outside services, or make use of the agricultural classes at a school to maintain their fields. My understanding is that since those fields are not 'community' fields used by more than one sport they can police themselves to some degree. Yes I am envious, you should see the stick ball fields at BHS- very well maintained- but lets also admit that the coaches and players are often the ones out there grooming the fields, riding the 'dirt tractor' around the infield and performing other duties. The coaches and players do help "earn their fields."

I just wish we could play our games in the 'big' stadium which sits empty all spring and not have to play all of our different our spring sport matches (3 sports- 10 teams) on one of the same fields we also have to practice on.

Oh- but back to the original reason for the post--- it is not always the AD who is the bad guy!


Tony King