
Could it be that Pinewood can offer players more than the other "schools around town" when it comes to soccer?

Unfortunately, you're right. Pinewood has the potential offer more than most programs. Mainly because public schools are restricted by things called districts and zones. We can't go down the street and recruit at the local club teams or schools. We're forced to try and attract players from a limited pool. But of course you've already heard all these things. So let me just end with a metaphor and a question.

First, I like to equate the relationship between public schools and privates to Nations and Pro clubs. Pro clubs have the unlimited potential to be the best possible team because they can draw from anywhere they want. And they play fantastic soccer. Nations can't go anywhere else. They can only draw from their citizens. Therefore, yes Pinewood has the potential to have a better program.

But here's the question. Playing for who brings more honor?