These type of subjects need to be vented every once in a while but I'm going to make a few last comments and then back off this chat I think. After your response, if you have one, just message me privately. I'm tired of beating a dead horse out in the open.

Heres what I think:
First, "younger" players do NOT get to to play at Pinewood. Noone, who wants to win, plays "younger" players. They play their best players. So don't give the civil service rhetoric.
Secondly, certain schools do more than recruit "young" players. They take some of the better developed players. And this point is what the metaphor was about. When players move to a private school their junior year in order to play varsity soccer at a winning private school they show a lack of good character and respect for commitment. It would be like a national team player living in a country his whole life and then changing citizenships in order to be on a better team. That's great for the individual, except they lose a since of determined commitment to a cause.

And in regard to the overall post subject, why would I play cards with a pickpocket knowing I'm going to lose money even if I win the hand?