Seems to be a lot of concern over CESA getting 'control" over SSC. Was it a hostile take over or did SSC allow or ask for it? I do not understand this issue, it is up to the clubs to decide who they merge with or work with.

It would be different if CESA had tried to muscle them out with a pricing scheme or something along those lines. Read a View from the Rock, by Rocky Harmon. Kids and parents are very moveable when it comes to a club. Offer something better than CESA, they will come.

CESA is good at what they want to be, a large pyramid of kids fighting to reach the top.

Do CESA coaches and more 'challenge' players equal success, no. One high school team has a Greenville CESA coach, with the most challenge players he has ever had, but has a poor record and has given up 3 goals to 1 made. Success does not automatically come.

The story is, find what is best for your kid, children or club, get busy with making them or it better. Most folks just talk anyway, bless those who volunteer, and strive for excellence. CESA does a good job, CUFC does a good job Bridge does a good job. Many smaller clubs do as well. Depends on what you want. High School state champs can be trained almost anywhere, if the coach really trys to train them.

I have watched many, and I mean many matches this season, the biggest difference I have seen is club players, versus none club players, and coaches who can get kids to perform and those who can not. The High school coach I am speaking of had the talent to be successsful, but his model of success did not work with the kids. Given the Rocks view on kids and High School coaches, how tough, hard, bad, did he have to be to run the kids off? HMMM

Good luck to everyone,