galaxy9: I guess it's your choice that you completely ignored the numbers that apparently refute your point regarding CESA being a joke other than at the "elite" level...but I'd appreciate it if you actually quoted me accurately. Here's what I said:

My guess is that they believe that they know how to operate a youth soccer club better than anyone else in South Carolina -- not just because of CESA but because of their individual success at SGU and GFC.

It may be that I'm deluded, but my "guesses" are in no way attributable to their own beliefs.

Regarding whether CESA is a "brand", it's my guess that you actually aren't arguing as to whether it is a strict "brand" (which basically means a label or symbol of ownership) and whether it is in fact a concept that can be publicly distinguished from other concepts (in this case, whether the acronym "CESA" can be publicly distinguished from other soccer club names.) A quick search of this message board, or for that matter the Georgia or North Carolina message boards, for CESA versus other club names or acronyms should help you with this.