
I mean this very, very respectfully; but I doubt that almost anyone is really neutral in this. Parents with children that play at CESA, or CUFC, or Bridge, or SSC all have various motivations. I think it's a tad disingenuous to question the motives of others without thinking perhaps a bit more about our own personal motives.

I suppose I was, hyper-technically, "questioning their motives." Of course the question was quite clearly qualified. The question was in no way accusatory. I remain interested in knowing why achieving the stated goals (improving the performance of SSC) requires the identity change. Your response didn't really answer that.

So you don't misunderstand my position, to the extent that I have one, as the parent of an "elite" player, I would probably vote in favor of the arrangement. Of course, my child would probably already be at Bridge, FA (assuming he made the team) if SSC wasn't providing the experience he/we wanted.