SC Soccer
Posted By: OneGirlsDad Fitness test? - 09/14/12 06:43 PM
My youngest daughter's club coach said he was going to test the girls using a "Man U" test. Can someone tell me what this is?
Posted By: Mia San Mia Re: Fitness test? - 09/14/12 07:33 PM
This is how it is done on the college level:

Manchester United – 20 levels, 108 yards
First ten levels 27 secs sprint, 42 secs recovery,
Levels 11-20, sprint time decreases by 1 second, rest increases by 1 second per level
Posted By: Notsofastfriend Re: Fitness test? - 09/15/12 05:23 AM

My youngest daughter's club coach said he was going to test the girls using a "Man U" test. Can someone tell me what this is?

How old is she?
Posted By: Wayne Re: Fitness test? - 09/17/12 11:30 AM
It is a series of 100 yd sprints. There are sprint times and recovery times that must be met. As the test progresses the sprint times decrease and recovery increases. Everything is based on 60 sec intervals. I really like the test and use it for my teams. It is not easy. Appropriate for probably 16 and up.
Posted By: Old Gal Re: Fitness test? - 09/17/12 02:56 PM
I know Winthrop's women's team performs this test even during the season.
Posted By: DefenseWinsChampionships Re: Fitness test? - 09/17/12 03:44 PM
What's more important for club soccer - fitness or tactics?
Posted By: Backscreen17 Re: Fitness test? - 09/17/12 04:08 PM
For younger kids, the TECHNICAL side far outweighs the tactical and physical (strength/fitness) aspects. In fact, in really young kids, it should be almost exclusively technical.
The technical/physical/tactical ratio changes as kids get older and competition becomes more relevant.
At the point, a better understanding of tactics and the physical capacity to compete gain relevance.
If the point of the exercise is winning, fitness and tactics are vital. From what I've seen, surprisingly few older kids understand such basic tactical concepts as "time-and-score," and a shocking number are unfit.
Equally, very few high school soccer staffs actively scout opponents and prepare game plans.
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