SC Soccer
What's the deal with this?
Bishop England was in total control of the game however a one on one accounted for one goal WHS and a drifting corner accounted for the other goal. BE had almost triple the shots WHS did and had at least 8 corners. I have never seen a team come from a 2-0 deficit after halftime. BE came back hard and fast to score 3 in a row.
I was at this game watching friends play. It was a great game. BE did dominate most of the game. Waccamaw is a great team, very fast. I would definitely go watch them play again.
waccamaw lost focus during the second half but they'll get them in the playoffs for sure
BE did control the early part of the game and the end (first and last 15 minutes of the game). BE came out with high energy and emotion, but the game was 0-0 after 3 decent scoring opportunities. The middle segment of the game was fairly even with Waccamaw taking advantage of a rare scoring opportunity and the aforementioned corner kick that found its way into the net. BE's depth (plays 16-18 players) wore down Waccamaw. Thus, BE scored 2 goals in the last 15 minutes.

Both of BE's goals came off of set plays on corner kicks. The first to their tall defender (she also had two near misses on headers off of corner kicks in the first half) and a ball driven to front post as Waccamaw focused on the taller player (3 girls surrounding her).

It was a good, well-played game that was enjoyable to watch. A potential 3rd game (would be Lower State Final) would be a must see for low country soccer fans.

Good luck to both teams in the playoffs.
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