SC Soccer

Hi! I wanted to pass this on to you to maybe do a story. This is a great opportunity for boys and girls soccer players to find out if they have the talent to make it overseas.

Heidelberg College a Division III school in Ohio has partnered with a Belgium professional team, Royal Racing FC, to offer a unique opportunity for soccer players. These players would essentially live and train everyday like a professional while earing an American University degree at the same time. They are currently accepting applications on their web site for a player ID Camp to be done at McCurry Park in Fayetteville, GA the last weekend of June.

The web site for the club is listed above. There are several players who are taking advantage of this opportunity this coming season. Please check it out and help me get the word out to all players both girls and boys.

Shane Pulliam, Boys Soccer
Whitewater High School (GA)
© SC Soccer