SC Soccer

Gilbert Indians Wagener-Salley War Eagles

Gilbert shutout carries somber tone
Ron Morris, The State
Ouch. Ken had a record setting year as the Head Football coach at W-S this year, so this was quite the reversal.
As long as the winning coach used all of his players, didn't press on defense, and wasn't ACTIVELY trying to run up a score, I would simply ask this:
Which is worse? 107-2 (as in a recent game in Indiana) or 43-0? I would argue the former, especially if both coaches in the 43-0 game agree that nothing inappropriate happened in their game.
Having coached high school basketball, I can tell you that mismatches are all too common. Handling them correctly, and NOT overstating their relevance are somewhat less common.
How does this apply to H.S. soccer in our state? My guess is that the coaches know who the schmucks are among their colleagues, and when possible, decline to schedule them.
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