Gray Collegiate Academy will host the Seventh Annual
WAR EAGLE JV KICKOFF CUP February 21-23, 2025, at the West Columbia Soccer Complex and on the campus of GCA. The tournament will be open to Boys JV teams. We plan to field a tournament with 12 teams.
If interested, please email Coach Kevin Heise at
kheise@grayca.comInterest Form Link - TOURNAMENT INFORMATION
WHAT: War Eagle BJV Kickoff Cup (Boys JV Preseason Tournament)
WHEN: February 21-23, 2025
WHERE: West Columbia Soccer Complex (760 Old Barnwell Rd, West Columbia 29170) & Gray Collegiate Academy (3833 Leaphart Rd, West Columbia 29169)
ENTRY FEE: $295 - Due December 1, 2024Make Checks Payable & Mail To:
Gray Collegiate Academy
ATTN: Coach Kevin Heise
3833 Leaphart Road
West Columbia, SC 29169
TOURNEY INFO• Tourney Pass - $20
• Day Pass - $10; Good only on day of purchase
• Championship game only - $7
• Concession Stand will be open
• Teams are guaranteed three matches (weather permitting). No refunds if the tourney is canceled due to inclement weather.
• 30-minute halves; 7-minute halftime;
• 12 team tourney - Point System: WIN = 6 points / TIE = 3 points / LOSS = 0 points / 1 point for every goal to 3 / 1 point for a shutout / -1 point for Yellow Card Ejection (two yellows) / -2 points for a straight Red Card Ejection
• The team listed first will wear DARK colors. The team listed second will wear WHITE/LIGHT colors.
• Semifinals and Championship matches will play via SCHSL rules: Two 5-minute overtimes and then penalty kicks if necessary.
• Invoices will be sent in October.