
ROH: I think he got you; he quoted your text in his message -- the message board equivalent of video tape!

I'll have to admit, I didn't know that Kyle and Kevin did the rankings -- I thought it was some collaborative process among coaches along the lines of the college coaching rankings. Just shows my ignorance...

Regardless of who does them, what's interesting to me about the data is the impact of a loss versus the impact of a win -- as you might expect, losses are more important than wins. Certainly this is reflective of many ranking systems. Secondly, what's interesting about the data is the degree of influence strength of schedule has on the results.

Are the rankings "right"? Not even sure what that means -- all I'm sure of is that they're a better informed opinion than my own. Would I place a bet against them every now and then? In certain circumstances, yes (i.e., I'd probably bet on Riverside against most other higher ranked 4A and 3A teams.)

I've always thought that the rankings were more things to discuss, analyze, etc. than anything else...

Kind of a standing joke between Dale Jr. and I. I goof it up, he fixes it, I edit it, he deletes his message, I delete my message, and then we go await the next ROH mental giant moment.

Retired, Old, Happy, and off into the sunset