>>[cat's cradle] Woodruff has faired well against many private schools (even SCISA schools) over the past five or so years.<<

>>[Papa Hatfield] Try Woodruff, you will not like it. They can play with almost anyone.<<

>>[SCISA sports fan] It is also the same team that the Riverside coach was quoted as saying would compete for the AAA state title after the two played in the first round of B-C<<

>>[Papa Hatfield] Like I told him play Woodruff, my money goes on the Wolverines, day in and day out. AA,AAA or AAAA They bring it every night.

>>[cat's cradle] Seems fair to compare all of them.<<

I (pause) guess (pause)...

I'll have to admit that I don't the point that is trying to be made in a lot of these postings.

It seems to me that if a program wants to claim it can play with anyone, the right way to do it is to go out and create a schedule that will prove it.

There's always a reason why programs can't be compared. Many of these reasons are incredibly valid...whether it's open enrollment, private versus public, socioeconomic location, club strength in an area, etc. The best way to deal with this would seem to me to be fairly simple -- don't compare the programs except for the division in which they choose to play and/or based on the actual results of the teams against whom they play.