
*sigh* You got me. It doesn't happen. None of my players have ever been approached with offers from private schools because such things are strictly regulated and couldn't conceivably happen. I retract the statment and will chalk it all up to vicious rumor and overactive imagination.


I am not saying that it doesn't happen. I am saying it doesn't happen anymore than it happens at SCHSL schools. Your post said that private schools are allowed to recruit and that is just not the case. They are no more allowed than SCHSL schools are. The rules forbidding it are very plain. They are posted here:


I would say to you that if you ever have ANY proof that a person from an athletic department at any SCISA member school approaches any of your athletes, you should call Mike Fanning (SCISA Athletic Director) and report it immediately. He can do nothing to help stop it if it never gets reported to him. You can get his contact information at www.SCISA.ORG