
CC, four nights??? Man, been there before and it's a task!!! Believe in the red bull!

No kidding...Red Bull, Monster, Jolt Cola...I've got enough caffeine in my system to light up a small city these days.

Midnight, and I just made it home from game 3 of 4:

At Colleton County
CC 1
Berkeley 2
Second game this week won in PKs, 4-2. Getting more gray hairs by the minute. Still having trouble finding the rhythm to get it in the net; took a gamble with defense to create offense to put Berkeley up 1-0 late in the second half on a rather nice setup finished by sophomore Hannah Scott. Dropping back to defense again almost worked, but CC sneaked in a breakaway with under 5 to go to tie the score. No score in OT; finished the job in PKs.

Also would like to thank the gracious CC fans who pelted our JV players and parents with coins during the varsity game; one of our parents was so moved by your generous donations that he offered to buy a going-home meal at Wendy's for the entire JV and varsity teams.

Gotta get geared up for one more on the road tomorrow...pass the Red Bull!

I've got good news and bad news...