
If they wanted to play the winner of the A division, they should have played in the A division. Just my $0.02

To my knowledge, there was no intentional differences in the setup of the two divisions with regards to skill level. There was simply such a good turnout from the SCYSA academy / classic teams willing to compete for state that there was a need to have two brackets to allow all the teams to play. What would you have called them? Bracket 1 & Bracket 2? People would then say that relates to Division 1 & Division 2. Since the brackets got labeled A & B, now people want to relate this to "A" teams & "B" teams. Phooey - they are all "A" teams.

It would be ridiculous to ask these kids to play 5 games in a weekend. Almost as ridiculous would be to ask them to come back the next weekend to play the final game. There is no regional tournament that this age qualifies for. What would be the purpose? The teams already know each other, have played before, and will play again. The only purpose I see being served by trying to elminate one of them as co-champions would be so that some adults could boast a little bit louder.

Far too often, adults make a mess of youth soccer. Both SSC & USA played where they should have, played hard, and had some very close matches. Neither team asked for a specific placement, and there were no gimmes on either side of the bracket fence. I'm glad both SSC & USA can celebrate and build from this experience.