
O15... since Papa won't say, what team playing U13 played in the U12 state cup?

??? I've heard rumors, but that's about it. Not worthy of repeating. Since players can only compete in one state cup per year, a team coming down from U13 to play U12 would be cup ineligible for the U13 bracket. I really don't see anyone doing that unless perhaps they simply could not compete at the U13 level. IMHO, I think it's highly unlikely that this actually occurred - but if the team was truly U12, then they should be free to make that choice. They should just should be placed in the academy / select bracket.

Soccer Parent,

Kudos to your boys. I personally don't like the idea of putting together "all star" teams for a recreational bracket in a tournament - especially when it's the state tournament. Kind of defeats the whole classification of the bracket. I'm sure any team that shuffled players did it within the boundaries of the rules. Maybe they just couldn't get an entire team to commit, so they had to do some end of season modifications. Whatever the case, it sounds like your boys did more than just survive, they excelled. Great job.