
Hairsplitter A democracy thrives on innuendo, half-truth, and misinterpretation. So your vote would be "present"?

Alas, I digress. We still await the response from the Honorable BD, Representative from Bailiwyck

HAHAAHA!!! The representative from the great subdivision of m @ b casts his ballot for........(drum roll)....

right after....this break.

Whoops, thats my Ryan Seacrest. It is Idol night tonight and I'm going to stinking tryouts.

My vote for Emerald is for NC D1.

1/2 of our games at Ramblewood.....vs. most of our games at either metro Columbia or Greenville.

Now, if SC let us play 1/2 our games at Manchester with the balance going to Charleston or Columbia or wherever I'd be cool with that. But to be always going to BB&T or Lexington is boring. I'd rather go to Patriots POint to play 2....