I'm 48 years old and have an old fraternity brother of mine whose kids are older....and who lives in Raleigh.

His son was a pretty good soccer player...captained his HS team (Apex) to a state championship and played at CASL all the way thru. But he played challenge.....which is the equivalent of classic in SC.

He could have played at a higher level....but he chose not to. He played almost all the way thru with the same group of buddies....parents were buddies...etc etc. The team...was more important than moving up the hierarchy.

Isn't this an aspect of soccer that we all respect?

This is pretty much Emerald/Koalas....they've turned into a pretty good team with some players who could play at a much higher level, but choose not to. Playing R3PL is the LAST thing on these people's minds.

The girls love each other. The parents all like each other and adore the girls. People shouldn't look for anything from these kids other than what they are. A good well coached team of solid players who love to compete but aren't ready to sell their souls to play at a higher level.

Some of them may play in college....but probably more at a D2 level. The college selection process for virtually all of them will probably have more to do with academics, location, school size, major, where their friends go, etc...
then soccer.