Match Statistics for the Class A Boys Championship:

Academic Magnet 0:1 (1:3) Christ Church

Shots: AM 15, CCES 17;
Goal: Bobby James (Match winnner in spot kicks)
Saves: AM (Alex Rieflin) 7, CCES (Christopher Woody) 8;
Corners: AM 7, CCES 8;
Offsides: AM 1, CCES 5;
Fouls: AM 7, CCES 17;

Spot Kicks:
AM - Travis Farnham (shot was saved);
CC - Dominik Reindl (scored);
AM - Alex Rieflinn (shot was saved);
CC - Josh Shaw (shot was saved);
AM - Harris Goodwin (shot was saved);
CC - Bobby James (scored);
AM - Lucas Hagerty (scored);
CC - Michael Brearley (scored);
5th kick was not necessary

Officials: Andy Balfour (R), Kevin McLear (R), Ralf Anderson (AR), Scott Mehle (4th), Bob DeMailly (Timer);

Weather: Sunny, 85°; A gorgeous day for the championships!

Match winning goal was scored by the third CCES shooter, Bobby James; The win was sealed on the fourth shot by Michael Brearley, who made the lead insurmountable in penalties. Christopher Woody made three saves in the shootout for CCES, while Alex Rieflinn saved one for the Raptors. It is a shame one of these teams had to lose.