
..I believe only 129 members showed up and the vote was decided by six votes..If the room was full of newer members then there is a trend that change is going to come sooner or later..It's just the way things are today..New members are not going to be interested in SSC's history.They will want more for their money and make some history of their own..A third of the membership voted and things will move on from here..As long as people voted..that's all you can ask for

I suspect you and I agree on more than we disagree. I imagine 129 members is a lot for a SSC membership meeting. I cannot say for sure because I had never been to one. Here's the thing: I was never notified of a membership meeting before this one. I re-joined SSC after I moved back to Summerville in 2000. I have two children who have graduated out of micro. One has now graduated from rec. In years passed, I coached 4 seasons at SSC (2 as an assistant, 2 as an hc). I have never before been notified of a membership meeting, I have never been asked for any input of any kind, I have never been asked for so much as a $100.00 contribution to SSC.

Parents on SSC teams I have coached have included lawyers, doctors, financial advisors, bankers, CPAs, CEOs of manufacturing companies, major building contractors, etc. etc. To my knowledge, none of these parents have been asked by SSC to contribute in anyway except to pay registration fees, pay training fees, and either volunteer in the concession stand or pay $50.00 to avoid being scheduled to work in the concession stand (Pretty sure they all paid the $50.00 - who wouldn't?). The all-hands-on-deck parent volunteer approach served SSC well when I was first a member in the 1980s. Times have changed. Its long passed time to modernize club governance and revenue stream. The management contract with CESA was an initial attempt to do just that. The CESA folks can always honor the contract, go back to work full steam in the morning and re-submit their "branding" proposals again in December or next year. Or they can walk away from their contractual obligations over six votes and red jerseys. Regardless of the choices of two people in Greenville, SSC will prosper if it streamlines governance and improves and modernizes its revenue stream to hire full-time, on-site personnel to administer its programs and directs its coaches.