Jim: I'll have to admit, I got a smile out of the phrase "Suffice to say that Hyslop is no diplomat." I'd put it differently -- Hyslop (and Tormey) are a Bolton or Kirkpatrick type of diplomat rather than a Carter type of diplomat.

When I served on the board with them, the most refreshing thing about TH was the complete lack of bullcrap. We didn't always agree, but there was never any hiding behind platitudes -- if there was a problem, then the problem was addressed head on without the platitudes and evasions you see in so many non-profits.

The SSC board made a decision on a radical change of direction for SSC. It was put to a vote. I don't believe that the members of SSC who voted against it are stupid enough to have done so because of a name or color change. The underlying tension between the board and the membership is over whether radical change is needed. I can't think of anyone better than TH in helping lead radical change -- and I can't think of anyone worse at trying to make some half-rear-ended changes. These aren't half-rear-ended kind of guys.