I just want a place for my daughter to play where the coaches are there to teach the kids soccer. I had a very bad experience with a "licenced coach" on an "academy" team at SSC that left a bad taste in my mouth. I voted yes to CESA hoping that a non-biased management system would allow the club to weed-out the bad coaches(or at least make them actually perform) that seem to be able to stick around season after season. Now my daughter will be playing in another club close by hopefully getting some individual skills training and team training that I was expecting from SSC. I hope for the children's sake that someone is able to come in and turn SSC into the business it needs to be and not the political environment that it currently is. I don't care about names or the colors of the club that my daughter plays for, all i want is the best possible training and opportunities for the future. This being said, I really hope that things at SSC turn around and soccer becomes the focal point so that my daughter can go back there and thrive - that is until there is a team for her age at BFA