In regard to "Cover the representation", I mean YOU personnaly step up and accomplish what it is that you desire it to be. It's so easy for you to sit on the sidelines and be critical of others. They are not there to be cheerleaders, but to be available to HELP run the tournament. If YOU want cheerleadres, bring them with you to the game.

Ok, here are a few "Facts" to back my OPINIONS. Our team was granted accesst o play in the tournament through Region III. I was contacted by Mr Barry Bynum, who by the way does not have a child playing on any State teams at this time. He and his wife sacrificed their time to make sure we,the team, had all the inforamtion we needed in regard to accomodations, paper work etc. Steve Cothran did this on behalf of the State Cup winners. As a parent and team manager who had never been to regionals, I found their advice and direction VERY helpful from January until the time we departed from Raleigh. They might not have been physically present, but their support of our team was evident to me. If you have never been a part of the paper work nightmare, then you Shibumi have no clue what all goes on BEHIND the scenes of regionals.
Another "Fact"
We had to get additional SCYSA passes for bench personel at the last minute, they stepped right up and got the credentials proccessed in record time. They attended meetings prior to registration to gather information regarding expectations for teams while in Raleigh, they were at the registration to assist us with any difficulties we had with our paperwork. They attended the Opening ceremonies, they were in attendance at the complexes in Raleigh and Wilson from before 0800 until after 10:00pm EVERY DAY OF REGIONALS.

If you think this is no major task, then YOU step up and do it.

As for your comments on their interest or should I say the "lack of interest", I know the representatives at our games were interested. They made comments about our play whenever I approached them. If they were not paying attention, then how would they have been able to form an opinion about the game??? Did you ever seek on of the representatives out during your games? Did you extend a hand of thanks for a the job they were doing? Did you offer them any advice about how you expected them to behave at regionals? My guess would be NO. It's easier to do it in an anonymous forum, right?

And lastly, I do not have any personal relationship with "These people". I have a working knowledge and appreciation of the tremendous job they do.

Thanks to the many folks who actually stepped up to participate in the preparations for and service to the Regional Tournament.

As for you shibumi, you need to get a grip and maybe a perscription for some happy pills. Life it too short to get so worked up about the things you do.

Cindy Arneson
CUFC '91 Boys Elite