>>[Solomon] Shibumi, It's obvious you aren't ill with soccermom... so Specifically what ax do you have to grind? Please be specific with specific facts . <<

It's funny -- I keep wishing I had the time I used to in order to post -- and yet the few minutes I'm able to spend on this each week is always fascinating and sometimes just plain fun...

Attempting to parse your post, I'm interpreting what you're asking for are "specifics" and "facts" associated with your belief that I have an "axe to grind." I'll try to accomodate -- but do so in a limited amount of time.

I believe that the SCYSA does a disservice to South Carolina youth soccer in that the organization has failed for years to provide the leadership and support to grow the sport. I've been pretty consistent on this position for several years now; but got much sharper in my criticism a few years ago when they made a ruling that limited parental choice by creating out of whole cloth a ruling that allows further balkanization of youth soccer. But that ruling was only the overt manifestation of a consistent disregard and neglect to grow youth soccer.

However, I want to make this clear. The SCYSA could make a ruling that all players have to wear patches that say "SCYSA: Nepotism in action" and I wouldn't have a problem -- IF we were seeing significantly higher growth in the sport.

Is this specific enough? For more facts, do a search back on SCSoccer.com and you'll find a lot of data I've posted regarding South Carolina youth soccer penetration as compared to Region III states and other benchmark states.