
ok, loc dog, you seem to be insistent on the numbers, so… using the last list(s) posted above:

cesa had 24 players commit to play in college
20 of the 24 are in-state schools
3 are in states bordering south carolina
1 is elsewhere

7 of those 24 are d1 colleges
6 of the 7 are in-state, the other is in georgia

note: 2 of the players on the d1 list are also listed on the lexington county soccer club website!

bridge fa had 5 players commit to play in college
of those 5:
all 5 are d1 colleges
4 of the 5 are out of state
1 of those is an ivy-league school

loc, above, you said "I also suppose that you don't consider data when predicting future outcomes."

for your benefit, based on the above data, i will make some predictions:

if you want to be seen by local colleges and play locally, go to cesa
if you want to be seen around the country and play outside the state at a d1 college, go to bridge fa
if you choose to believe what club leadership and bulletin board posters tell you, instead of looking at the real stats, go to cesa
if you want a club that appears to be doing lots more to "promote the player" than anybody else, but doesn't really have the stats to back it up, go to cesa.

sweet feet said "I will stand by my original statement/opinion that CESA gives your child the best chance/exposure etc. to play at the next level, that is not to dismiss any other club in the state. It starts at the top and nobody has a better one two punch than CESA."

sweet, i see the numbers, but i just don't see that "one two punch" you're talking about

bear: you said "Whether you feel it's enough or not, CESA does do more to assist those that desire to play in college than any other club in the state."

bear, again, i'm looking at the numbers. i'll even play along and take your word that cesa does more . . . so what? i don't see that all that work they're doing is paying off.

you say you went to cesa for your own reasons (which i respect) but you go on and on about all that cesa does. this would be a good time to back that up with some hard evidence - what in the way of a college commitment has all of cesa's hard work done for you - specifically.

but, all the "statistics" aside, loc dog and sweet feet, i will go back to what i've been saying all along - you need to do what is best for your own child - just don't get on here and preach that one-size-fits-all - cause it don't.

you did a fine job. i wonder how many of those players chose in-state schools to get more money for school.now give us the stats for cesa and bridge girls for 2009.

then you can start on the 2010's

i had to go back and look but you talk about all the bridge players going out of state. from the way you stated your facts i thought they were going all over the country.seems they are still in the south.

Last edited by Hard Headed; 01/30/09 07:35 PM.