There needs to be a standing room only crowd for this meeting!! Parents whose kids play micro and can't have full practices and games need to be there...parents who are frustrated that the Town of Mt P won't let kids play on the fields when it rains need to be there...parents who live in Mt. P but have kids playing elsewhere need to be there and explain why you made that decision. For the past two years, there has been an average of 360 soccer players per field in Mt. P That average is 60 players for baseball and football...not even close to being equitable. And now they want to build more baseball fields that don't get used so soccer can be played in the outfield. Soccer Watcher and Fireant are right on....I bet the Town Council has no idea about the money MPSC brings in...not to mention the estimated $100,000 economic impact (hotels rooms & meals out) to the Town on Tournament weekends and the Title IX angle can not be overlooked. Some things to keep in mind... Gary Santos a Mt. P native has no clue about soccer..if it ain't football or baseball he won't talk about it. Paul Gawrych, also a native played on the first Wando H.S. team and has completly abandoned soccer since. Billy Swails is a big suppoter of soccer and has grandchildren that play. Many on council still reference "HungryNeck" as the traveling teams which hasn't been the case for almost 15 years. Town Council needs to realize soccer is here to stay. Come out and support MPSC!