Craig,I am sure you are aware by now that finding a home for the challenge level player in the low country area is frustrating.

I do like your proactive approach of trying to work it out and I think you should give it a shot. It is not impossible to move an entire team from one club to another. It's been done locally several times.

Teams have moved with the coach and without. I would imagine the coach would have to be flexible enough to accept the coaching salary offered by the club. If you have the players, the club will find you a good coach.

In the last three years, it has been my daughter's experience that the only local low country club with enough challenge level players to field a team is BFA. Not tooting BFA's horn, just stating a fact.

MPSC was more than interested in helping field the team/provide good coaching, etc. However, all the parents could not agree on a change.

Parents say they want one club for the challenge player, but then are unwilling/unable to drive the extra distance for practices. It's been my experience that the parents are more of a road block than the club. We don't have any "bad" clubs, just too many of them!

Good luck and feel free to PM me if you like.